Friday, May 14, 2010

What is best for eyebrows and face: hair removal cream, bleaching, or waxing?

Waxing/ treading is very good for your face. Bleaching works too but it doesnt take your hair out.What is best for eyebrows and face: hair removal cream, bleaching, or waxing?
Tweeze eyebrows and wax the rest. Don't use bleach as you can tell when someone is hiding hair. Trust me.What is best for eyebrows and face: hair removal cream, bleaching, or waxing?
Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods. Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful. Electrolysis and laser hair removal are ';permanent'; hair removal methods but are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged. A review of the various hair removal methods is available at
None of them pluck. depends on what you want. Wax hurts a little....but it gets all of the hair. Sometimes it's a little messy, but as long as your careful, it works really well. Hair remover (like a cream...right?) sits on your skin for several minutes, you wipe it off and it takes the hair with it. I've always had a problem with hair makes my skin....angry. And it seems like it never gets all the hair. Bleaching doesn't make the hair go just makes it a lighter colour. If you go that route, make sure you use bleach for the face.

For my eyebrows, I always just tweeze. I don't do the rest of my need.
waxing. lasts longer and less chance os chemicals getting in your eyes
plucking for eyebrows...waxing for mustache:) unless that makes you get bumps, then try bleach
tweeze for eyebrows, and removal cream for mustache!

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